TheBathOutlet / Articles / Shopping for Home Goods Online
Online shopping and sales have been rapidly increasing over the past few years and they show no signs of slowing down. You may be inclined to buy clothes, accessories, and electronics online but what about when it comes time to remodel your home? surveyed homeowners to find out whether they prefer to shop online or at a physical store when buying home good products for minor and major renovations. Here is what we found:
This data was even more prevalent when it came to home goods. Close to 70% of the people surveyed still prefer to shop in a store for home goods specifically.?However, in a 2016 study done by Internet Retailer entitled "At Home on the Web," online sales of housewares and home furnishings accounted for 18% of the overall market in 2015. unveiled that 30.74% of those that they surveyed would shop online for home goods.
Breaking down the specific age ranges, 65% of the respondents over the age of 30 still preferred to shop in a store for home-related products despite generally leaning towards online for all other purchases.?Even the generation under 30 was at a 66% preference rate of store v. online.
Overall, the convenience of online shopping is what draws most people to shop this way. One respondent said, "It's easier to get a general idea of what's current, what's available, and what the current prices are for pieces I'm interested in."
On the flip side, people like to shop in person because they want to be able to see what theyre buying before they purchase it. One respondent said, "I prefer to shop in person because I can see the product I'm buying, take it home immediately, and someone is available for me to ask questions to if I have any."
The kitchen and bedroom were the most popular rooms in the house that people shopped for online. Over 58% of respondents have purchased items for their kitchen online. The garage, patio, home office, and den were other rooms that people shopped for online.
"I like to shop online for household items I can't find in any store," said one respondent.
Home d?cor was the most popular answer for what home goods items people are most likely to shop for online, followed by bedding and bedroom.
When it came down to actually making a purchase for home goods online, home d?cor, kitchen, and bedroom items were the top three. One respondent said, "if I trust the site and the price is right," they would shop online.
Over 60% of respondents said they would not purchase living room furniture online. "I am cautious about the quality of furniture, but I try to figure this out by the rating stars and user comments," said one respondent.
High shipping fees is the main deterrent people face when shopping online. Sizing issues is a close second. People get nervous that they won't measure correctly and once whatever they ordered online arrives, it won't actually fit into the space. "With regards to furniture like a mattress or couch, you can't judge comfort from online," said one respondent.
Over 70% of those surveyed said they are more likely to shop in person if an item costs a certain amount of money.
Here is a breakdown of what those prices would have to be:
Close to 70% of those surveyed said they do not expect a contractor to purchase any home goods items for their home renovations.
About 50% of the respondents said they always research a product or appliance online before they purchase one.
One week is the average amount of time those surveyed spent researching a product before they bought it. One respondent said it depends on the investment. "Small stuff, one day. Large stuff, up to a month."
When it comes to why the survey respondents chose a particular website to shop on, price was the biggest deciding factor. Products/wide selection and the price/timeliness of shipping were close runners-up. One respondent said the website must be informative. "Show me how the product works!" While another stated, "good return policy, easy returns- especially with home d?cor. You have to try it before you know."
Overall, these results show that while brick and mortars may have won the battle for now, online shopping is going to continue to rise. As one respondent said, "Brick and mortar stores are shutting down more and more because of online shopping. A lot of websites are really raising the bar when it comes to competing with physical stores." As business owners realize that the future of shopping is online, they are making the online shopping process easier for their consumers. After all, convenience is key.
Supplemental Facts:
-84.14% of participants own or rent a home
-21.43% were 18-29 years old; 22.56% were 30-44 years old; 27.44% were 45-60 years old; 28.57% were over 60
-46.24% of participants identified as male while 53.76% identified as female

This data was even more prevalent when it came to home goods. Close to 70% of the people surveyed still prefer to shop in a store for home goods specifically.?However, in a 2016 study done by Internet Retailer entitled "At Home on the Web," online sales of housewares and home furnishings accounted for 18% of the overall market in 2015. unveiled that 30.74% of those that they surveyed would shop online for home goods.
Breaking down the specific age ranges, 65% of the respondents over the age of 30 still preferred to shop in a store for home-related products despite generally leaning towards online for all other purchases.?Even the generation under 30 was at a 66% preference rate of store v. online.
Overall, the convenience of online shopping is what draws most people to shop this way. One respondent said, "It's easier to get a general idea of what's current, what's available, and what the current prices are for pieces I'm interested in."

On the flip side, people like to shop in person because they want to be able to see what theyre buying before they purchase it. One respondent said, "I prefer to shop in person because I can see the product I'm buying, take it home immediately, and someone is available for me to ask questions to if I have any."

The kitchen and bedroom were the most popular rooms in the house that people shopped for online. Over 58% of respondents have purchased items for their kitchen online. The garage, patio, home office, and den were other rooms that people shopped for online.
"I like to shop online for household items I can't find in any store," said one respondent.

Home d?cor was the most popular answer for what home goods items people are most likely to shop for online, followed by bedding and bedroom.

When it came down to actually making a purchase for home goods online, home d?cor, kitchen, and bedroom items were the top three. One respondent said, "if I trust the site and the price is right," they would shop online.

Over 60% of respondents said they would not purchase living room furniture online. "I am cautious about the quality of furniture, but I try to figure this out by the rating stars and user comments," said one respondent.

High shipping fees is the main deterrent people face when shopping online. Sizing issues is a close second. People get nervous that they won't measure correctly and once whatever they ordered online arrives, it won't actually fit into the space. "With regards to furniture like a mattress or couch, you can't judge comfort from online," said one respondent.

Over 70% of those surveyed said they are more likely to shop in person if an item costs a certain amount of money.

Here is a breakdown of what those prices would have to be:

Close to 70% of those surveyed said they do not expect a contractor to purchase any home goods items for their home renovations.

About 50% of the respondents said they always research a product or appliance online before they purchase one.

One week is the average amount of time those surveyed spent researching a product before they bought it. One respondent said it depends on the investment. "Small stuff, one day. Large stuff, up to a month."

When it comes to why the survey respondents chose a particular website to shop on, price was the biggest deciding factor. Products/wide selection and the price/timeliness of shipping were close runners-up. One respondent said the website must be informative. "Show me how the product works!" While another stated, "good return policy, easy returns- especially with home d?cor. You have to try it before you know."

Overall, these results show that while brick and mortars may have won the battle for now, online shopping is going to continue to rise. As one respondent said, "Brick and mortar stores are shutting down more and more because of online shopping. A lot of websites are really raising the bar when it comes to competing with physical stores." As business owners realize that the future of shopping is online, they are making the online shopping process easier for their consumers. After all, convenience is key.
Supplemental Facts:
-84.14% of participants own or rent a home
-21.43% were 18-29 years old; 22.56% were 30-44 years old; 27.44% were 45-60 years old; 28.57% were over 60
-46.24% of participants identified as male while 53.76% identified as female